Popular Questions and Answers About Weight Loss and Muscle Building
How to gain muscle while losing weight? The words "muscle building" and "fat loss" are often put together, but it...
The Best Gym Exercises for Tennis Players-Generic fitness routine
Achieving an ideal physique requires a detailed fitness plan, and playing tennis at a high level demands an even more...
How Many Pull-Ups Should You Be Able To Do?
Pull-ups are a good indicator of an individual’s strength and fitness levels, but they’re a challenging exercise for many people....
The Complete List Of Compound Exercises
Want to see your workout performance go way up and muscle-building results like you've never seen? Doing compound exercises -Compound...
Chest and Triceps Workout for Serious Gains by Speediance Experts
Have you ever asked yourself, why is that most bodybuilders and fitness coaches perform chest and triceps workouts together? It’s...
Ultimate 10-Minute Ab Workout, by a Certified Speediance Trainer
Strengthening your abdominal muscles can help you achieve a toned appearance if your body fat percentage is low enough. It...
What Muscles Do Burpees Work? Benefits & How To
The Burpee is a popular and common exercise known for its high intensity and fat-burning efficiency in a short amount...
Create the Best Shoulder Workouts With Speediance Using 5 Effective Exercises
Looking for a clever way to pump up your shoulder workout? Look no further—grab speediance digital weight machine and get...
8 Best Hamstring Exercises to Combat Tightness and Improve Posture
According to a recent study by Acuvue, an average office employee spends 1700 hours a year in front of the...